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The word purpose is defined as the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. The moment you are born into this world you are set with a list of exceptions none of them being your own.​ Discover your true purpose and embrace it.


Society teaches us to conform, fit in and be average. Censor our creativity and self expression. You might hear things like " No one makes it where I'm from" or "If I only had this I could be great". Truth is you already got the juice. God reveals amazing people everywhere (GRAPE) . Greatness is already in us. Every person in this world has a unique gift .


Born and raised in Houston,TX . As you may have noticed by the logo. I wanted to create a brand that represented the culture and people like you and I . Creative minds, independent thinkers and trail blazers. Let's create our own version of what success looks like.

Life Is Grape
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